If the borrower provides documentation for the revenue reduction, this documentation overrides the COVID score.
For example:
Satisfactory documentation but unsatisfactory Score: If your lending institution required revenue reduction documentation at the time of application (with the SBA Form 2483), or if the borrower uploaded the documentation with their forgiveness application, and if the documentation satisfactorily indicates that the borrower suffered at least a 25% reduction in revenue, this documentation will override a negative COVID Score.
Unsatisfactory documentation but satisfactory Score: If the borrower provided documentation indicating that it did not suffer at least a 25% reduction in revenue, but received a satisfactory Score in the Platform, you must base your forgiveness decision on the documentation provided by the borrower. In this case, the borrower would not be eligible for forgiveness because the documentation indicates they did not suffer at least a 25% revenue reduction and were therefore not eligible for the PPP loan.
Satisfactory Score and no documentation submitted: If the borrower has not provided documentation of revenue reduction, and if the borrower received a satisfactory score in the Platform, the Score will serve as satisfactory documentation that the borrower suffered at least a 25% revenue reduction, and the borrower will not need to provide further documentation (unless SBA requests it as part of an audit or review).